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Our Publications

Shadows in Sunshine


Fiction Book (Series)

Now distributed by Erben House!

Set during the years 1988 through 2018, challenges arise: Why is the principal calling? Whose schedule and plans should take priority? How do you help without diminishing the individual? Will the team rise to the challenge? Weddings and funerals? How do you deal with grief? In Christ, grief is love persevering.

This fourth book in the series is a directly connected sequel to Sunshine in Shadows. Gloria's family grows up with the adventures and mishaps of family life. Each child has their unique gifts and challenges. Gloria's chronic ill health leads finally to an early death. Each chapter in the book is introduced with an article from the town’s newspaper. Under the theme,  "hope and faith to walk with God," we too must continually struggle against self-centeredness and self-pity.

Please email us ( to get in touch and purchase.

209 pages, 6 x 9" softcover

Also available at the CLC Bookhouse ( and Amazon.

$11.00 USD

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Deborah K. Ude

Deborah Ude wrote poetry and short stories throughout high school and college. The Lord used her creative talents in teaching and raising nine children with her husband, Professor John Ude. When the last of the children entered the final stages of leaving home, Deborah realized time was available to develop her writing skills. Writing, visits from nine children and grandchildren, campus activities, and occasional substitute teaching adequately filled the empty nest. The lack of novels based on her German Lutheran heritage suggested a niche that she could attempt to fill.

Deborah went to be with Jesus June 29, 2017.

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